Meaning of the icons in the ADMIN4.NSF database
Herzlich Willkommen!/Tipps & Tricks/Meaning of the icons in the ADMIN4.NSF database

Meaning of the icons in the ADMIN4.NSF database

Often asked – and no explanation available in the Administration help database (I’ve found nothing). The following information is based on the Lotus Software Knowledge Base Technote #1102808.

Administration Request Documents in admin4.nsf

Corresponding Timing

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Icon displays for all immediate requests. Immediate requests are usually processed within one minute.

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Icon displays for these requests:
All new and modified daily requests to update Person documents in the Domino Directory.Any outstanding „Rename Person in Unread List“ requests.

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Icon displays for all new and modified requests to delete unlinked mail files.

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Icon displays for all new and modified delayed requests. These are requests that are usually carried out according to the „Start executing on“ and „Start executing at“ settings in the Server document.

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Icon displays for all Administration Process Request documents that are marked as „Approved“ by an administrator taking action from within the „Pending Administrator Attention“ view.

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Icon displays for all Administration Process Request documents that are marked as „Rejected“ by an administrator taking action from within the „Pending Administrator Attention“ view.

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Icon displays for all interval requests. These requests are processed according to the Interval setting in the Server document.

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Icon displays for all requests that are posted for an Administration Approval. These requests show up in the „Pending Administrator Approval“ view until acted upon.

Administration Request – Response (Log) documents in admin4.nsf


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Icon displays when Administration Process Log documents have been selected for reprocessing. When errors occur, the Log documents appear in the „All Errors by Server“ or „All Errors by Date“ views and can be reprocessed by selecting one or more documents and clicking the “Reprocess Selected Requests“ button. The Log documents can also be reprocessed individually by editing the Log document and checking „Perform request again.“

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Icon displays for all Administration Process Log documents that report non-error type conditions. These requests show up in the „Administrative Attention Required“ view for easy access.

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Icon displays when Administration Process Log documents have been marked as processed. Processed means an Administrator has reviewed the log and wishes to remove it from the view. Mark one or more Log documents as “processed“ by clicking the “Remove From View“ button in the “Administrative Attention Required“, “All Errors by Server“ or “All Errors by Date“ views.

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Icon displays for all Administration Process Log documents that represent requests that have successfully completed work on specific databases.

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Icon displays for all Administration Process Log documents that report error type conditions. These requests appear in the „All Errors by Server“ and „All Errors by Date“ views for easy viewing.

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In Progress
Icon displays for all Administration Process Log documents to indicate a potential blocking condition. A blocking condition can occur when a request is waiting for some other event to occur in order to process through.